Ali Baig

Back-end Developer

Front-end Developer

Mobile Apps Developer

Ali Baig
Ali Baig
Ali Baig
Ali Baig

Back-end Developer

Front-end Developer

Mobile Apps Developer

Nucleus NLS

Initially we started the project by creating few views for this application called Nucleus and as the things moved on, the project’s scope was extended. The application architecture was built using the famous MVVM design pattern and uses WPF on its frontend while C#.NET on its backend having SQL as its database.

The couple of complex issues during the development that we encountered were to allow user to manage dynamic access for dynamically added components throughout the application and other one was to disable the controls on all other systems in real time as soon as one of the user requested to update the field and placed their cursor (focus) in that field. Here’s are they in a little more detail

1) The application’s structure was quite big and administrator was putting in a lot of data through the forms. The challenge was to control the access (visibility, can read, can write) of that data along with the module through a role access tree. The data in future could grow very rapidly so we needed an efficient role based access algorithm that could meet the demands of growing increase in bytes on the database.

2) The second challenge that I talked about was of concurrency on certain views. All the controls on these forms were disabled on load even if user had the write access given to them by administrators so whenever user wanted to change something, he needed to acquire a lock so no other user could change that record when he was writing. The challenge was to disable the fields only for that object on that certain view so disabling the control for everyone and for every object wasn’t helpful. We implemented the lock using MQTT real-time messaging and parsed the data in a place where it had the efficiency too and didn’t slowed down the application.

In web based systems, these may not be such high level issues but considering the application was in WPF, it demanded the advanced levels of expertise to tackle these issues